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Investigating Computer-Mediated Discourse about Disability

Published April 26 2022, 06:50

Project Name: Investigating Computer-Mediated Discourse about Disability

This initiative focuses on investigating the ways in which disability is taken up in various online discourses, with a specific focus on how ableism is reproduced and reinscribed in these online conversations. Various projects under this umbrella have focused on different on-line platforms, such as in discussion forums and within fan-fic communities.

Lab Collaborators: Bestard Lorigados, Elias  Baljko, Melanie  Poustizadeh, Mana  Tam, Andrew 

Other Collaborators:

Terms Active:

  • Andrew’s thesis
  • Mana’s thesis
  • Elias’ thesis
  • Cath’s dissertation

Project Outputs and Results: