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SmART Evaluation Study Partner Page


This is the support page for partners in the SmART Evaluation Study.

Thank you for agreeing to be part of the SmART Evaluation Study. You are a Study Partner.

The SmART Toolkit can be found here:


For Study Partners, there are two facets.

  1. You are a person who teaches at York.
    • We would like for you to participate. We will send you a link to the survey. (Faculty Participation)
  2. You are a course director who is running a class in the Winter 2020 academic term. You will use the SmART Toolbox to support your course delivery this term.
    • We would ask for your assistance in having the students in your participate in the evaluation. (Student Participation)

Helping us Facilitate Student Participation

What you need to do:

Phase 1, which is the Intake + Survey #1.
Melanie Baljko ( will be in contact with you about Phase 1. The following modes are available.

  1. Announce via your course moodle by us. To enable this option, add Prof Melanie Baljko ( as a non-editing instructor to your course moodle. This role will allow her to post to your Course Announcements. She will make one announcement and a follow-up reminder per Phase 1 and Phase 2.
  2. Announce via your course moodle by you. Make one announcement and a follow-up reminder per each of Phase 1 and Phase 2.
    • Please contact Melanie Baljko ( for instructions, timing, and the material to be posted.
    • Please consider reinforcing and emphasizing the need for student participation via an in-class reminder and/or in-class visual.
  3. In-Class announcement/visual by us. We would like to come by your class and make a quick 2-min verbal announcement (and/or show a single powerpoint slide). We find that student participation is encouraged by having a third party make the request. Email Prof Melanie Baljko ( to set this up.
  4. In-class announcement by you. Please contact Melanie Baljko ( for the script and instructions.
  5. Announce via an in-class visual. Please contact Melanie Baljko ( for the powerpoint slide and instructions.

Course Activities take place
You run your course according to your design. This will include some sort of assignment that will draw upon the SmART Toolbox.

Phase 2, Follow-up
Once students have been exposed to a learning context in which the SmART Toolbox has been provided, we will conduct a follow-up survey. Melanie Baljko ( will be in contact with you about Phase 2.