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McConnell, Andrew

Published December 7 2023, 02:54×150.png


Graduate Student, Doctoral Level, Digital Media

Andrew McConnell is currently pursing his PhD in Digital Media at the Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, examining how to engage Indigenous youth in a way that develops STEM knowledge based on Indigenous epistemologies and ontologies. He wants to ensure that Indigenous students see themselves and their culture reflected in STEM learning so they are well prepared and grounded for the study engineering and technology in post-secondary institutions.
Andrew is a member of Nipissing First Nation living in Toronto, and an accomplished educator with almost 20 years of experience teaching both technology and Indigenous education. He was the board lead for Indigenous education at the York Region District School Board for 5 years, and directly supported the work of the Indigenous Education team, liaising with Georgina Island First Nation, and the Anishinaabek Education System, and constantly advocating for the inclusion of Indigenous content across the board.
As the head of Technological Education at Thornlea Secondary school, Andrew co-founded the Academy of Creativity and Multimedia (ACAM) program, which connected art and technical learning in high school developing both technical knowledge and artistic thinking in students.
Andrew is an IBET Momentum Fellow.

Terms Active: 2023, (iii) Fall Term 2024, (i) Winter Term