Theses and Major Research Papers
Bestard Lorigados, E. (2022). Fan-Fiction and AO3 Free-Form Tagging Practice: Innovating Open-Source Tools for Tag Network Visualization and Analysis [Master of Science, York University].
Akhavan Kazemzadeh, S. (2022). The PISHI Concept: A Technique for Increasing Inclusion in the Design of Open-Source Assistive Technologies [Master of Science, York University].
Ofori, A. O. (2022). Choose Your Own Adventure? The Experiences of Occasional Teachers in the Reproduction or Transformation of Educational Systems [Master of Arts, York University].
Poustizadeh, M. (2021). Design Justice Principles and Do-It-Yourself Assistive Technology: Case Study [Master of Science, York University].
Marchena Parreira, D. (2021). Virtual Reality and EEG Sensing: Creating a Framework Using Guided Meditation [Major Research Paper, completed as part of MSc degree (Major Research Paper stream)]. York University.
Collis, R. (2020). Creating Autistic Educational Space Through A Community Based Participatory Design Charrette [Major Research Paper, completed in fulfillment of the MA degree in Science and Technology Studies]. York University.
Konroyd-Bolden, E. (2019). Disability Communities and the Exercise of Citizenship [Major Research Paper, completed in fulfillment of the MA degree in Science and Technology Studies]. York University.
Zarringhalam, R. M. (2017). Consonant Classification Based on Tongue Tip Trajectories [Master of Science, York University].
Zhian, Z. (2017). Tracking Visible Features of Speech for Computer-Based Speech Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech [Master of Science, York University].
Ferreirinha, J. (2017). Accessorizing Accessibility: Flexible Tools for your Everyday [Major Research Paper, completed in fulfillment of the MA degree in Critical Disability Studies]. York University.
Tait, R. W. (2016). Examination of the Transitioning of the Book from Print to Digital: Inspiration, Possibilities & Application [Master of Arts, York University].
Hamidi, F. (2016). Rafigh: A Living Media System for Motivating Target Application Use for Children [PhD Thesis, York University].
Haworth, M. B. (2016). Computer Games for Motor Speech Rehabilitation [Master of Science, York University].
Duchastel de Montrouge, C. (2013). Disability/Fanfiction: Creating culture and community at the margins of cyberspace [Major Research Paper, completed in fulfillment of the MA degree in Critical Disability Studies]. York University.
McArthur, V. (2011). Professional Second Lives: An Analysis of Appearance Codes, Ethnographies and Sociometrics of Virtual World Professionals [Mastersthesis]. York University.
Tam, A. (2010). Extraction and Analysis of Ethnographic Data from an Online Disability Community [Mastersthesis]. York University.
Kaftarian, M. (2009). Phenomena of Emergence in Hetereogenous Agent Populations [Major Research Paper, completed as part of MSc degree (Major Research Paper stream)]. York University.
Hussain, F. O. (2008). Indirect Text Entry Interfaces Based on {Huffman} Coding with Unequal Letter Costs [Mastersthesis]. York University.
Baljko, M. (2004). Computational Simulations of Mediated Face-to-Face Multimodal Communication [Phdthesis, University of Toronto].
Baljko, M. (1997). Ensuring Stylistic Congruity in Collaboratively Written Text: Requirements Analysis and Design Issues [Mastersthesis, University of Toronto].
Journal Articles
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Bulk, L. Y., Franks, A., Stephens, L., Smith, H., Baljko, M., Dadashi, N., & Epstein, I. (2023). Entanglements of Invisible Work of Clinical Educators in Healthcare Work Integrated Learning. Advances in Health Sciences Education, 1--18.
Stephens, L., Smith, H., Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Mcintosh, I., Dadashi, N., & Prakash, D. N. (2023). Accessibility and participatory design: time, power, and facilitation. CoDesign, Latest articles.
Hamidi, F., Owuor, P. M., Hynie, M., & Baljko, M. (2022). “Knowledge Comes Through Participation”: Understanding Disability through the Lens of DIY Assistive Technology in Western Kenya. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), 6(CSCW1).
Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Magel, B., Stephens, L., Dadashi, N., Smith, H., & Bulk, L. Y. (2022). Document Landscape: Exploring What Shapes Disabled Students’ Experiences in Practice-Based Education. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 11(1), 53–90.
Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Thumlert, K., Smith, J. A., Su, Y., Kelly, E., & Zaki-Azat, J. (2020). 'A Video of Myself Helps Me Learn’: A Scoping Review of the Evidence of Video Making for Situated Learning. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(9).
Haworth, B., Kearney, E., Faloutsos, P., Baljko, M., & Yunusova, Y. (2019). Electromagnetic articulography (EMA) for real-time feedback application: computational techniques. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization, 7(4), 406–413.
Cadell, S., Lambert, M. R., Macdonald, M. E., Davidson, D., O’Gorman, M., & Baljko, M. (2018). ‘The Pain of the Tattoo Was a Relief’: Advancing a Theory of Embodied Pain in a Study of Memorial Tattoos. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 56(6), e31.
Kearney, E., Haworth, B., Scholl, J., Faloutsos, P., Baljko, M., & Yunusova, Y. (2018). Treating Speech Movement Hypokinesia in Parkinson’s Disease: Does Movement Size Matter? Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(11), 2703–2721.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2018). Inviting silence: an ambient digital living media system in the home. Interactions, 25(2), 82–84.
Hamidi, F., Saenz, K., & Baljko, M. (2017). Echoes of diversity: using maker activities to support children’s learning and empowerment. Revista DIS/DIS Journal, 1(1 (Inclusion and society)), 31–38.
Yunusova, Y., Kearney, E., Scholl, J., Haworth, B., Faloutsos, P., & Baljko, M. (2017). Game-based Augmented Visual Feedback Treatment for Apraxia of Speech after Stroke (RHB.69), 2017 Canadian Stroke Congress Abstracts. International Journal of Stroke, 12(4_suppl (Canadian Stroke Congreee Abstracts)), 68–69.
Yunusova, Y., Kearney, E., Kulkarni, M., Haworth, B., Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2017). Game-based augmented visual feedback for enlarging speech movements in Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60(6S (Special Issue: Selected Papers From the 2016 Conference on Motor Speech—Basic and Clinical Science and Technology)), 1818--1825.
Kearney, E., Giles, R., Haworth, M. B., Faloutsos, P., Baljko, M., & Yunusova, Y. (2017). Sentence-level Movements in Parkinson’s Disease: Loud, Clear, and Slow Speech. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1818–1825.
Hamidi, F., Baljko, M., Kunic, T., & Feraday, R. (2015). TalkBox: A DIY Communication Board Case Study. Journal of Assistive Technology, 9(4), 187–198.
Hamidi, F., Baljko, M., Economopoulos, C., Livingston, N., & Spalteholz, L. (2015). Co-designing a Speech Interface for People with Dysarthria. Journal of Assistive Technology, 9(3), 159–173.
Baljko, M., & Hamidi, F. (2014). Knowledge Co-Creation and Assistive Technology. Scholarly and Research Communication, 5(3 (Special Issue: Community-Based Participatory Research)), 1--19.
Yunusova, Y., Baljko, M., Pintilie, G., Rudy, K., Faloutsos, P., & Daskalogiannakis, J. (2012). Acquisition of the 3D surface of the palate by in-vivo digitization. Speech Communication, 54(8), 923–931.
Yunusova, Y., Rosenthal, J. S., Rudy, K., Baljko, M., & Daskalogiannakis, J. (2012). Positional targets for lingual consonants defined using electromagnetic articulography. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132(2), 1027–1038.
Baljko, M., & Tenhaaf, N. (2012). Sensory, Sonic, and Symbolic Features of a Collaborative Media Art Practice. Canadian Journal of Communication, 37(1), 109–119.
Baljko, M., & Tenhaaf, N. (2008). The Aesthetics of Emergence: Co-constructed Interactions. Transactions on Human--Computer Interaction (TOCHI), 15(3--4), 1–11.
Baljko, M. (2001). Review of The Structure of Multimodal Dialogue II, M. M. Taylor, F. Neel, and D. G. Bouwhuis (editors). Computational Linguistics, 27(4), 601.
Baljko, M., & Hirst, G. (1999). The Importance of Subjectivity in Computational Stylistic Assessment. Text Technology, 9(1 (Spring)), 5–17.
Conferences & Workshops
Hamidi, F., Owuor, P. M., Hynie, M., & Baljko, M. (2022, November 7). “Knowledge Comes Through Participation”: Understanding Disability through the Lens of DIY Assistive Technology in Western Kenya. CSCW 2022, the 25th ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing.
Stephens, L., Narayani Prakash, D., Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Dadashi, N., Smith, H., & Darychuk, K. (2022). Micropolitics in Co-design: the impact of ablism and other ‘hidden’ power structures on equitable participation and outcomes. ACSP2022 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 62nd Annual Conference, 263--264.
Bestard Lorigados, E., MacKenzie, I. S., & Baljko, M. (2022). Movement Control Methods for Mobile Devices: An Empirical Study of Displacement Interfaces. Proceedings of HCI in Games: 4th International Conference, HCI-Games 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022, 3–21.
Tennakoon, D., Usmani, A. U., Usman, M., Vasileiou, A., Latchaev, S., Baljko, M., Khan, U. T., Perras, M., & Jadidi, M. (2022, June 26). Teaching Earth Systems Beyond the Classroom: Developing a Mixed Reality (XR) Sandbox. Proceedings of the 2022 American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) Conference & Exposition.
Jadidi, M., Tennakoon, D., Ullah, A., Usman, M., Vasileiou, A., Perras, M., Khan, U. T., & Baljko, M. (2022, June 18). A New Realm of Experiential Education Using Mixed Reality Sandbox. Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)-Association Canadienne De L’Education En Genie (ACEG) Conference 2022: Transforming Learners to Transform Our World.
Tennakoon, D., Jadidi, M., Ullah, A., Perras, M., Khan, Usman. T., & Baljko, M. (2022). Object Detection and 3D Terrain Mapping in Augmented Reality Sandbox. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) --- Saint Lawrence Section Conference. American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) --- Saint Lawrence Section Conference.
Stephens, L., Narayani Prakash, D., Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Dadashi, N., Smith, H., McIntosh, I., & Kim, S. (2021). Accessibility and the Design Charette: Time, power and facilitation. ACSP2021 Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) 61st Annual Conference, 424--425.
Epstein, I., Baljko, M., Thumlert, K., & Zaki-Azat, J. (2020, July 1). Supporting innovative online teaching and learning through smartphone video production. The 18th Annual MEITAL Conference on Teaching and Learning Technologies Accelerating Higher Education: Trends and Developments.
Hamidi, F., Mbullo, P., Onyango, D., Hynie, M., McGrath, S., & Baljko, M. (2018). Participatory design of DIY digital assistive technology in Western Kenya. Proceedings of the Second African Conference for Human Computer Interaction: Thriving Communities, 1–11.
Hamidi, F., Gomez, I., & Baljko, M. (2017). Using Participatory Design with Proxies with Children with Limited Communication. ASSETS’17: Proceedings of the 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers & Accessibility, 250–259.
Baljko, M., Hynie, M., McGrath, S., Hamidi, F., Oracha Adoyo, P., Mbullo, P., & Onyango, D. (2017, October 4). Fabrication Lab in a Kit (FLiK): DIY Assistive Technology for Children with Disabilities in Kenya. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Translational Science and Biotechnology in Africa.
Yunusova, Y., Kearney, E., Scholl, J., Janik-Jones, C., Haworth, B., Roberts, E., Faloutsos, P., & Baljko, M. (2017, September 9). Game-Based Augmented Visual Feedback Treatment for Apraxia of Speech After Stroke. Poster Presentations of the CPSR Stroke Congress. Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery (CPSR), Annual Canadian Stroke Congress, Calgary, Canada.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2017). Engaging Children Using a Digital Living Media System. Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 711–723.
Hamidi, F., Saenz, K., & Baljko, M. (2017, May 6). The Silent Language of Materials: Gender, e-Textiles and Mayan Weaving. Proceedings of CHI 2017 Symposium on HCI Across Borders (HCIxB).
Hamidi, F., Merino, M., Gómez, I., Lopez, S., Molina, A., & Baljko, M. (2017). A Wearable System for Multisensory Stimulation Therapy for Children. Proceedings of CHI ’17, Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Haworth, B., Usman, M., Baljko, M., & Hamidi, F. (2016). The Use of Working Prototypes for Participatory Design with People with Disabilities. In K. Miesenberger, C. B{\"u}hler, & P. Penaz (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 15th International Conference (ICCHP 2016), Proceedings Part I (pp. 134–141). Springer International Publishing.
Yunusova, Y., Kearney, E., Haworth, M., Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2016, March 2). Movement-based speech therapy for dysarthria in {Parkinson Disease} and {Apraxia of Speech}. 18th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, USA.
Kearney, E., Yunusova, Y., Haworth, M., Faloutsos, P., & Baljko, M. (2016, March 2). Speech Movements and Intelligibility in Parkinson Disease. 18th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech, Newport Beach, USA.
Hamidi, F., M\"{u}ller, C., Baljko, M., Schorch, M., Lewkowicz, M., & Stangl, A. (2016). Engaging with Users and Stakeholders: The Emotional and the Personal. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Supporting Group Work, 453–456.
Hamidi, F., Saenz, K., & Baljko, M. (2015, October 28). Echoes of Diversity: Using Making for Empowerment and Learning. Proceedings of the 6th International MX Design Congress (MXD 2015).
Yunusova, Y., Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2015, August 28). Normal and disordered speech production: Speech movement database. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Biomechanical and Parametric Modeling of Human Anatomy (PMHA).
Moghaddam, A., Haworth, B., Kearney, E., Baljko, M., & Yunusova, Y. (2015, August 28). Artifact removal techniques for 3D electromagnetic articulography. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Biomechanical and Parametric Modeling of Human Anatomy (PMHA).
Hamidi, F., Mbullo, P., Hynie, M., Baljko, M., & McGrath, S. (2015, August 28). Community University Partnerships to Build Participatory Digital Assistive Technology Solutions in Kenya. Proceedings of the 2015 Third Annual Conference, “Science Research and Education in Africa.”
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2015). Makers with a Cause: Fabrication, Reflection and Community Collaboration. In N. Streitz & P. Markopoulos (Eds.), Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions : Third International Conference, DAPI 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015, Proceedings (Vol. 9189, pp. 49–61). Springer International Publishing.
Hamidi, F., Comeau, N., Saenz, K., & Baljko, M. (2014, October 6). HugBug: A Wearable Interface for Facilitating Digital Design. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Design \& Emotion.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2014). Subversion and Empowerment in Digital Interactive Design. In J. Salamanca, P. Desmet, A. Burbano, G. Ludden, & J. Maya (Eds.), Proceedings of the Colors of Care: The 9th International Conference on Design & Emotion.
Haworth, M. B., Kearney, E., Baljko, M., Faloutsos, P., & Yunusova, Y. (2014, August 22). Electromagnetic articulography in the development of ``serious games’’ for speech rehabilitation. Proceedings of PMHA 2014 --- the 2nd International Workshop on Biomechanical and Parametric Modeling of Human Anatomy.
Hamidi, F., Baljko, M., Kunic, T., & Feraday, R. (2014). Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Assistive Technology: A Communication Board Case Study. In K. Miesenberger, D. Fels, D. Archambault, P. Penaz, & W. Zagler (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP 2014): Vol. II (pp. 287–294). Springer International Publishing.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2014). Rafigh: A Living Media Interface for Speech Intervention. CHI ’14 Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1817–1820.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2014). Rafigh: A Living Media Interface for Learning Games. CHI ’14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 407–410.
Haworth, M., Yunusova, Y., Kearney, E., Faloutsos, P., & Baljko, M. (2014, March 27). Rehabilitative speech computer game calibration using empirical characterizations of Articulatory Working Space (AWS). 17th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech.
Kearney, E., Yunusova, Y., Haworth, M., Faloutsos, P., & Baljko, M. (2014, March 27). Articulatory working space as a kinematic target in augmented feedback applications. 17th Biennial Conference on Motor Speech.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2014). Empowerment Through Interaction: A Living Media Interface for Children with Disabilities. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interaction Design with Children with Disabilities (ICDC’14).
Hamidi, F., Saenz, K., & Baljko, M. (2014). Sparkles of Brilliance: Incorporating Cultural and Social Context in Codesign of Digital Artworks. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC’14).
Baljko, M., Davidson, D., & Letherby, G. (2013, October 13). On-Line Discussion Fora: Computational Techniques, Structuralist Abstractions, and the Personal Narrative. Proceedings of the World Social Sciences Forum (WSSF’13).
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2013, August 21). Automatic Speech Recognition: A Shifted Role in Early Speech Intervention. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT’13).
Davidson, D., & Baljko, M. (2013, May 3). Research, civic engagement, and social media: The Why and how of a digital archive of memorial tattoos. First Annual International Conference on Social Media: Implications for the University.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2013). Rafigh: An Edible Living Media Installation. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction, 345–346.
Haworth, {M Brandon}, Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2012). PhoVR: A Virtual Reality System to Treat Phobias. Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry (VRCAI ’12), 171–174.
Shtern, M., Haworth, B. M., Yunusova, Y., Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2012). A Game System For Speech Rehabilitation. Proceedings of the Fifth International ACM Conference on Motion in Games (MIG2012), 43–54.
Haworth, {M Brandon}, Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2012). Treating Phobias With Computer Games. Proceedings of the Fifth International ACM Conference on Motion in Games (MIG2012), 7660, 374–377.
Davidson, D., Baljko, M., & Letherby, G. (2012, October 18). Griefwork Online: Community Through Computer-Mediated Communication. Proceedings of the Mothering and Reproduction Conference: Featuring an Embedded Conference on Mothering, Science, and Technology.
Hamidi, F., Baljko, M., Moakler, A., & Gadot, A. (2012). Synchrum: A Tangible Interface for Rhythmic Collaboration. Proceedings of UIST 2012, the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 63–64.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2012). Reverse-Engineering Scanning Keyboards. Proceedings of ICCHP’12: The 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 431–438.
Bajer, B., MacKenzie, S., & Baljko, M. (2012). Huffman Base-4 Text Entry Glove (H4-TEG). Proceedings of ISWC 2012, the Sixteenth Annual International Symposium on Wearable Computers, 41–47.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2012). A Reverse-Huffman Algorithm for Text Entry Interface Evaluation. Proceedings of the CHI’12 Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Text Entry Methods, 1–4.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2012). Using social networks for multicultural creative collaboration. Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Intercultural Collaboration (ICIC 2012), 39–46.
Tenhaaf, N., Baljko, M., & Sawchuk, K. (2011). Reconsidering Media Art Dynamics. Proceedings of ISEA’11: The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2343–2349.
Pintilie, G., Rudy, K., Yunusova, Y., & Baljko, M. (2011, June 20). Acquisition of the {3D} Surface of the Palate by In-vivo Tracing with a Probe. Proceedings of ISSP’11: The Ninth International Seminar on Speech Production.
Hamidi, F., & Baljko, M. (2010). Collaborative Poetry on the Facebook Social Network. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP10), 305–306.
Book Chapters
Hamidi, F., Owuor, P. M., Hynie, M., Baljko, M., & McGrath, S. (2018). Potentials of Digital Assistive Technology and Special Education in Kenya. In Autism Spectrum Disorders: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (pp. 162–182). IGI Global.
Baljko, M. (2016). Technology Design to Support Commemorative Tattoo Practice. In D. Davidson (Ed.), The Tattoo Project: Visual Culture and the Digital Archive (p. Chapter 18). Canadian Scholars Press.
Shtern, M., Haworth, M. B., Yunusova, Y., Baljko, M., & Faloutsos, P. (2012). A Game System for Speech Rehabilitation. In M. Kallmann & K. Bekris (Eds.), Motion in Games (Vol. 7660, pp. 43–54). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg.